
Async implementation of IMAP version Download docs CI status

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> Based on the great [rust-imap]( library. This crate lets you connect to and interact with servers that implement the IMAP protocol ([RFC 3501]( and various extensions). After authenticating with the server, IMAP lets you list, fetch, and search for e-mails, as well as monitor mailboxes for changes. It supports at least the latest three stable Rust releases (possibly even older ones; check the [CI results]( To connect, use the [`connect`] function. This gives you an unauthenticated [`Client`]. You can then use [`Client::login`] or [`Client::authenticate`] to perform username/password or challenge/response authentication respectively. This in turn gives you an authenticated [`Session`], which lets you access the mailboxes at the server. The documentation within this crate borrows heavily from the various RFCs, but should not be considered a complete reference. If anything is unclear, follow the links to the RFCs embedded in the documentation for the various types and methods and read the raw text there! See the `examples/` directory for examples. ## Running the test suite To run the integration tests, you need to have [GreenMail running]( The easiest way to do that is with Docker: ```console $ docker pull greenmail/standalone:1.5.9 $ docker run -t -i -e GREENMAIL_OPTS='-Dgreenmail.setup.test.all -Dgreenmail.hostname= -Dgreenmail.auth.disabled -Dgreenmail.verbose' -p 3025:3025 -p 3110:3110 -p 3143:3143 -p 3465:3465 -p 3993:3993 -p 3995:3995 greenmail/standalone:1.5.9 ``` ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or at your option. ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.