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Earley parsing (first draft)

Earley parsing is a method for parsing strings according to a given grammar. It accomplishes something similar to other parsing algorithms like the LR and LL families of parsers but with a wider range of applicability at the cost of some performance.

We'll go into some detail below about how they work but spend most of our time talking about implementing this algorithm in an array language, specifically ngn/k.

There are obviously other well-written expositions on the topic worth pursuing if your interest is piqued.


I first became aware of Earley parsers when @effbiae posted his on an ngn/k chat board. My version was inspired by his.

How it works

The goal is to take an expression like 7+(2+3)*9 and to turn it into a parser tree such as the one below.

        7                                *
                             grp                     9
                          2        3

Here, we have a tree rooted at the entire expression with sub nodes for grouping and each operation.

The basic idea of an Earley parser is to attack the problem with dynamic programming. That is to recursively break the larger problem down to solving similar smaller problems and assembling them into results. In this case that amounts to breaking down the parsing of the full expression into the parsing of subexpressions. The neat part is that the larger problem and the smaller problems are all handled simultaneously during a single pass of the input.

As many dynamic programming problems are handled with tables, using an array language for this task feels like a good fit.

We'll be using the following grammar taken from @Loup's excellent tutorial.

Sum     -> Sum     [+-] Product
Sum     -> Product
Product -> Product [*/] Factor
Product -> Factor
Factor  -> '(' Sum ')'
Factor  -> Number
Number  -> [0-9] Number
Number  -> [0-9]

Actually, we'll simplify it a bit by replacing all numbers with a single terminal representing their role in the grammar and only handle addition and multiplication. The first is usually handled by a lexing stage which generates tokens having both a type and a value and only considering the type during parsing. As is traditional in array language we'll also be parsimonious about the length of our token names.


In this grammar we use the convention that : is used to separate a non-terminal from its production, | is used to separate alternative productions, non-terminals are lower-case letters and anything else is a terminal character. So + and * are terminals but so is N as well. To futher simply the discussion let's split out alternatives into separate productions wtihout alternatives.


Let's jump to the end for a bit to have a better look at what we're shooting for.

Table of items
0         N         e:.s/0    e:.p/0    s:.p/0    s:.s+p/0  p:.f/0    p:.p*f/0  f:.(s)/0  f:.N/0
1         +         f:N./0    p:f./0    e:p./0    s:p./0    p:p.*f/0  e:s./0    s:s.+p/0
2         (         s:s+.p/0  p:.f/2    p:.p*f/2  f:.(s)/2  f:.N/2
3         N         f:(.s)/2  s:.p/3    s:.s+p/3  p:.f/3    p:.p*f/3  f:.(s)/3  f:.N/3
4         +         f:N./3    p:f./3    s:p./3    p:p.*f/3  f:(s.)/2  s:s.+p/3
5         N         s:s+.p/3  p:.f/5    p:.p*f/5  f:.(s)/5  f:.N/5
6         )         f:N./5    p:f./5    s:s+p./3  p:p.*f/5  f:(s.)/2  s:s.+p/3
7         *         f:(s)./2  p:f./2    s:s+p./0  p:p.*f/2  e:s./0    s:s.+p/0
8         N         p:p*.f/2  f:.(s)/8  f:.N/8
9         -         f:N./8    p:p*f./2  s:s+p./0  p:p.*f/2  e:s./0    s:s.+p/0

This is the dynamic programming table we're trying to produce. Let's break it down.

As we said, we're going to do a single pass of the input. The first column is how much of the input we've completed considering, the second column is the input item being considered for that row and the rest tracks how much of each subtask we've completed with what are called "Earley items".

Each Earley item is a production rule with a couple of extra decorations. The first is a dot to indicate how much of this production we've seen in the input. So the very first Earley item in the first row is e:.s/0 which corresponds to the production e:s. The dot here indicates that this subtask has parsed any of its input up to this point. Looking at row 8 the first item in that row is p:p*.f/2 which indicates that this subtask has parsed the input so far as a non-terminal p and a terminal *, but is still waiting to parse the non-terminal f in the input to come.

The final decoration is a trailing integer following a slash which indicates from which stage this particular subtask was originally spawned. This will make more sense in a second when we describe where these Earley items come from.

The algorithm starts by creating Earley items for each production of our starting non-terminal, with "dot position" set to zero. I.e. nothing has been completed for these initial Earley items. So starting out the items are the following

e:.s/0    e:.p/0

Now to make progress we spawn Earley items repeatedly until we have consumed all the input. If we fail to consume all the input, then this is an incompleted parse. Similarly, if we consume all the input but don't have any completed Earley items (i.e. items for producing our start symbol whose dot positions are at the very end) then we have an incomplete parse. Thus for starters our algorithm will determine if there is a complete parse of the input. If we stop here we have an Earley recognizer which seeks to do this and no more. A parser will produce a tree showing which steps lead to a complete parse.

We spawn Earley items in stages, making as much progress we can with the input so far before moving on. There are three ways to spawn subtasks which move us forward. If the next thing for us to complete is a non-terminal, (i.e. the thing immediately after our dot position is a non-terminal), we can spawn a new task which attempts produce that non-terminal starting with the current input. If the token after our dot is a terminal object which matches the current input then we make a new task which advances our dot position and starting from the following input. If there's nothing left for our current task to complete, we can look back at the items which were waiting on us and advance their dot position starting from the current input.

These types of task spawning routines are each respectively called a "predictor", "scanner" and "completor". It's worth taking a second to make sure you understand why each of these actually do advance our cause.

The algorithm has us perform each of these in sequence repeatedly until nothing more can be done with the current input. For this to work, we need the output to represent "sets" of Earley items. That is, a second application of a predictor shouldn't produce more items identical to the those produced by the first application. When we have sets we should expect the list of items to settle eventually. These sets for each stage of the input are sometimes called "state sets".

Walking through the example above and applying the predictor to our initial items we get the following:

e:.s/0    e:.p/0    s:.p/0    s:.s+p/0  p:.f/0    p:.p*f/0

All of the new productions have their dot positions equal to 0 because they were just created and have their origins equal to 0 because that is the stage in which they were spawned.

None of the items at the current dot position are non-terminals nor at the end and so the scanner and completor applications produce no new items, but cycling back to the predictor, we see that all the items point to non-terminals, but only one points a new non-terminal, namely p:.f/0, and so we produce two more items.

e:.s/0    e:.p/0    s:.p/0    s:.s+p/0  p:.f/0    p:.p*f/0  f:.(s)/0  f:.N/0

Now these new items do point to non-terminals, but only the last points to the current input, so we produce a new item for the next stage ready to consume more input. Namely, f:N./0. At this point none of the items at this stage are completed, nor point to new non-terminals, nor produce any new items using the current input and so this stage has stabilized. We then move on to the next stage which starts out as the following:

1         +         f:N./0

I.e. we're at stage 1, the current input is now + and we have a single Earley item to consider. Let's walk through just a couple of more items so we can see an example of a completor spawn items. This single item has its dot position at the end and so neither the predictor nor scanner apply, but the completor does apply. We need to look back at the stage that began this subtask, i.e. stage 0 and find all items that were waiting on the completed non-terminal. Here this is only one: p:.f/0. Because we've completed f we can advance the dot position to p:f./0 and we add it to the current stage because now it's ready to wait on more input. Notice that the origin of this remains 0. This is not a new subtask, but rather the advancement of an earlier task. (No pun intended.)

At this point feel free to work through the rest of the table to verify that at stage 9 we do end up with a stable set of items having consumed all of the input. Further notice that there is an item whose origin is 0 and is a production of our start symbol which is completed. Namely, e:s./0. This means that this was a successful parse.

So somehow through this process we've made it to the end, but in our wake we've left a forest of Earley items. (Apologies for the mixed metaphor.) We'd like to figure out how we made it to the end. In order to do that we'll need to keep track of how we advanced by saving "back pointers".

It turns out that it suffices to track how both the scanner and completor created items. That's because we're really only interested in how dot positions are advanced. Starting with e:s./0 at stage 9, we ask "how did we get here?". Moving the dot position back we see that we advanced past a non-terminal which must mean that there is some item at the same stage which completes that a production of that non-terminal. If we look at the first item at stage 1 above and ask how we ended up there, we see that we advanced some item from the previous stage because it was waiting on the input at that stage.

So scanners advance items when an item's current dot position matches the current input and completors advance items from an earlier stage because some item in the current stage represents the completion of the non-terminal at the dot position of the former item. That is, for scanners we keep track of which item was advanced to which item and for completors we track in addition which item caused that advancement.

By back-tracking each of the advancements we can follow the history of an item and recursively track the history of items which caused the advancement we can map out the parsing of that subexpression.

Okay, maybe more detail than I thought I'd get through but this is the basic lay of the land. Let's move on to how we code this up.

The code

Moving dots through a string representation of a production is a great way to visualize how this process works but for coding this up we really only need to track the position of the dot through a given production, thus we'll represent an Earley item with a triple:

(production number; dot position; origin state set)

To this basic triple we'll add two derived items: a unique integer identifier and the actual item at the current dot position because we'll be using this for checking whether this item is a terminal or not and looking up whether it matches a completed current item.

Each stage will be represented by an array of such five-tuples and the full table will be a collection of such arrays. As is common in array programming, instead of keeping arrays of (mixed) tuples we'll actually be keeping five-tuples of (heterogeneous) arrays.

In perhaps an excessive flourish we keep all the productions in a single string and note which portions of that string represent which productions. We detect reaching the end of a production by testing if the start of the production plus our dot position point to the next production. Actually, since a 0 dot position is represented as being before any part of the prodution is completed, we start out pointing at the non-terminal being produced and then use the dot position to advance through the actual production tokens.

Our parsing stage is comprised with a set of base data including the back pointers and the table we're producing. The former is threaded through the program as a dictionary.

data:{R:,/',/+'((*:;1_"|"\"|",)@'":"\)'" "\x
     `p`t`i`bp!(+\0,#'R;,/R;y,"\0";(,0N 0N)!,())}

Here `p is the list of pointers into the string of all the productions as a list of tokens `t. We also save the input at `i and back pointers at `bp.

To produce a unique id we note that there are a finite number of productions and that neither the dot position nor the origin can be bigger than length of the input plus one. This allows us to see the original triple as a mixed base number.

For the current token we use the calculation from the production index and dot position mentioned above and replace anything at the end position with a blank character.

Here are our id and current token functions:

dot:{@[x[`t]@n;&x[`p;1+y[0]]=n:1+y[1]+x[`p;y[0]];:;" "]}

We use the convention that the start token is the non-terminal of the first production and look for all productions sharing that start token. Our initial data starts with each of these at dot position and stage 0.


The core of the algorithm is a fold over each of the step types wrapped in two nested fixed point computations. The outer fixed point iterates over a triple of the following form:

(program state; table; current stage index)

and bumps the current stage index and adds an empty state set to our list of state sets as long as the last state set is not empty and just returns the input if it is empty.

The inner fixed point keeps the stage index fixed and iterates over the pair of program state and table and calls the fold over each of the step types in turn until it stabilizes.

Each step type is wrapped in a function which prepares the input as a set of relevant items, namely the program state, the current state index, the current tokens of all items at the current state and the full table. This wrapper also takes care of ensuring we don't have duplicates by degating the table update to another function which both checks the ids of the proposed items against the current items and appends the derived data.

stp:{add[y 0;y 1]@z[y 0;x;y[1;x;4];y 1]}
add:{n:(z[1],(i;dot[x]@z[1]))@\:&((!#i)=i?i)&w:^(y[z 0;3])?i:id[x]@z[1]
     $[~#*|nxt:(+(z[0];i); z[2]);;x[`bp]:{@[x;y;?,;,z]}/[x`bp].nxt]
     (x;@[y;z 0;,';n])}

The predictor is very straightforward. We simply look for anything in the current state set whose current token is on the left hand of a production and create a new item with the corresponding production rule and dot position set to zero and origin equal to the current state. We have no need for back pointers in this case.

The scanner is might be even simpler since we're comparing the current tokens against a single token. In this case we create a new item which is effectively a duplicate of the original with it's dot position bumped up by one. This is added to the succeding state. We also take note of the items that were copied and store them as back pointers for the corresponding new items.

The most complicated of the three is the completor because we have to do a more sophisticated lookup. First we have to find the completed items. Because of our implementation of the current token function, these are simply the items whose current token is a blank character. Next for each completed item we need to lookup that item's origin state set and compare the completed non-terminal against the current tokens of that origin state set. Since we're using an array language we can do this for all completed items simultaneously. One wrinkle is that the items we find will be in various state sets. We have to take care to note which came from which both to produce new items and to store back pointers. We create the new items as a fold over pairs of state set indices and indices into that state set, starting with an empty set and repeatedly adding copies of the original indicated item with their dot position bumped up by one. For back pointers, we take note of both which item is copied and which item prompted the copy.

Here are each of those:

      (s;{[x;y;z;w]y,'@[3#x[z;;w];1;+;1]}[t]/[empty].f;+(+f;s,/:c@w 0))}

And that's basically it for the recognizer. All that's left is to use the back pointers to assemble the parse tree should we have a complete parse.