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:warning: Work in progress :warning:
## WNFS Name Accumulators This library implements the cryptographic primitives necessary for WNFS to prove that its writes were valid in a way that's verifyable by third parties without read access. Specifically, it implements 2048-bit RSA accumulators and the PoKE* and PoKCR algorithms from the paper ["Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains"](https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/1188.pdf), as well as some WNFS-specific interfaces and serialized representations for them. ## Usage RSA accumulators require a trusted setup. Whoever has access to the trusted setup can create arbitrary valid proofs, which would in practice let malicious actors who've only been given partial access to a WNFS access to the rest of the file system. For this reason the trusted setup is run once upon creation of a new WNFS by the root author. The root author is naturally incentivized to throw away the toxic waste from the trusted setup. ```rust use wnfs_nameaccumulator::{AccumulatorSetup, BatchedProofPart, BatchedProofVerification, Name, NameSegment}; use rand::thread_rng; // Run the trutsed setup. let rng = &mut thread_rng(); let setup = &AccumulatorSetup::trusted(rng); // We want to prove the names for two files at // /Docs/Note and /Pics/Image respectively let mut name_note = Name::empty(setup); let mut name_image = Name::empty(setup); // Each segment is represented by a random 256-bit prime number let root_dir_segment = NameSegment::new(rng); let docs_dir_segment = NameSegment::new(rng); let pics_dir_segment = NameSegment::new(rng); let note_file_segment = NameSegment::new(rng); let image_file_segment = NameSegment::new(rng); name_note.add_segments([root_dir_segment.clone(), docs_dir_segment, note_file_segment]); name_image.add_segments([root_dir_segment, pics_dir_segment, image_file_segment]); // We can collapse these arrays of primes that represent paths into 2048-bit RSA accumulators // with a proof that they were derived from the same "base" name, in this case the `Name::empty` above. let (accum_note, proof_note) = name_note.as_proven_accumulator(setup); let (accum_image, proof_image) = name_image.as_proven_accumulator(setup); // Knowing the proofs, we can batch at least parts of the proofs together. // This results in a single 2048-bit batched proof part and ~17-20 bytes of unbatched proof per element. let mut batched_proof = BatchedProofPart::new(); batched_proof.add(&proof_note); batched_proof.add(&proof_image); // Without read access, but given the accumulated base name and the proofs, // we can verify that the accumulated names are related to the same base name. let name_base = Name::empty(setup).as_accumulator(setup).clone(); let mut verification = BatchedProofVerification::new(setup); verification.add(&name_base, &accum_note, &proof_note.part)?; verification.add(&name_base, &accum_image, &proof_image.part)?; verification.verify(&batched_proof)?; ``` ## The `rug` feature This enables a different backend for big unsigned integer arithmetic, based on the [rug crate] (which is based on the [GNU multiprecision library], also abbreviated GMP). It is roughly 2x faster than the `num-bigint-dig` implementation when building for release, but as a bonus is also fast in debug builds (e.g. during tests) due to rug containing a statically linked release build of GMP. However, it doesn't work in Wasm and it should be noted that GMP is licensed as [LGPLv3]. If you depend on the `wnfs` crate, but want to use the `rug` backend for your application, then simply add a `wnfs-nameaccumulator` as a dependency and enable its `rug` feature. This will make `wnfs` use a version of `wnfs-nameaccumulator` with `rug` enabled: ```toml wnfs-nameaccumulator = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["rug"] } ``` [rug crate]: https://crates.io/crates/rug [GNU multiprecision library]: https://gmplib.org/ [LGPLv3]: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html