use super::HashNibbles; use crate::{Hasher, Node, Pair, Pointer, HAMT_BITMASK_BIT_SIZE}; use anyhow::{Ok, Result}; use async_recursion::async_recursion; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use std::{collections::HashMap, hash::Hash, mem}; use wnfs_common::{ utils::{Arc, CondSync}, BlockStore, Link, Storable, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Type Definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// This type represents the different kinds of changes to a node. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum ChangeType { Add, Remove, Modify, } /// Represents a change to some key-value pair of a HAMT node. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct KeyValueChange { pub r#type: ChangeType, pub key: K, pub value1: Option, pub value2: Option, } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementations //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- impl KeyValueChange { pub fn map(self, f: &impl Fn(V) -> W) -> KeyValueChange { let Self { r#type, key, value1, value2, } = self; KeyValueChange { r#type, key, value1:, value2:, } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Compare two nodes and get the key-value changes made to the main node. /// /// This implementation gets all the changes to main node at the leaf node level. /// /// This is a more expensive operation because it gathers the key value pairs under a node has /// been added or removed even though we can simply return a reference to the node itself. /// /// # Examples /// /// ``` /// use std::sync::Arc; /// use wnfs_hamt::{Node, Pair, diff}; /// use wnfs_common::{Link, MemoryBlockStore}; /// /// #[async_std::main] /// async fn main() { /// let store = &MemoryBlockStore::new(); /// let main_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<[u8; 4], String>::default()); /// for i in 0u32..3 { /// main_node /// .set(i.to_le_bytes(), i.to_string(), store) /// .await /// .unwrap(); /// } /// /// let other_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<[u8; 4], String>::default()); /// other_node /// .set(0_u32.to_le_bytes(), 0_u32.to_string(), store) /// .await /// .unwrap(); /// /// let changes = diff( /// Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), /// Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), /// store, /// ) /// .await /// .unwrap(); /// /// /// println!("Changes {:#?}", changes); /// } /// ``` pub async fn diff( main_link: Link>>, other_link: Link>>, store: &impl BlockStore, ) -> Result>> where K: Storable + Clone + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]> + CondSync, V: Storable + Clone + Eq + CondSync, K::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, V::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, H: Hasher + CondSync, { diff_helper(main_link, other_link, 1, store).await } #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_recursion)] #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_recursion(?Send))] pub async fn diff_helper( main_link: Link>>, other_link: Link>>, depth: usize, store: &impl BlockStore, ) -> Result>> where K: Storable + Clone + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]> + CondSync, V: Storable + Clone + Eq + CondSync, K::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, V::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, H: Hasher + CondSync, { // If Cids are available, check to see if they are equal so we can skip further comparisons. if let (Some(cid), Some(cid2)) = (main_link.get_cid(), other_link.get_cid()) { if cid == cid2 { return Ok(vec![]); } } // Otherwise, get nodes from store. let mut main_node = main_link.resolve_owned_value(store).await?; let mut other_node = other_link.resolve_owned_value(store).await?; let mut changes = vec![]; for index in 0..HAMT_BITMASK_BIT_SIZE { match (main_node.bitmask[index], other_node.bitmask[index]) { (true, false) => { // Main has a value, other doesn't. changes.extend( generate_add_or_remove_changes( &main_node.pointers[main_node.get_value_index(index)], ChangeType::Add, store, ) .await?, ); } (false, true) => { // Main doesn't have a value, other does. changes.extend( generate_add_or_remove_changes( &other_node.pointers[other_node.get_value_index(index)], ChangeType::Remove, store, ) .await?, ); } (true, true) => { // Main and other have a value. They may be the same or different so we check. let main_index = main_node.get_value_index(index); let main_pointer = mem::take( Arc::make_mut(&mut main_node) .pointers .get_mut(main_index) .unwrap(), ); let other_index = other_node.get_value_index(index); let other_pointer = mem::take( Arc::make_mut(&mut other_node) .pointers .get_mut(other_index) .unwrap(), ); changes.extend(pointers_diff(main_pointer, other_pointer, depth, store).await?); } (false, false) => { /* No change */ } } } Ok(changes) } async fn generate_add_or_remove_changes( node_pointer: &Pointer, r#type: ChangeType, store: &impl BlockStore, ) -> Result>> where K: Storable + Clone + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]> + CondSync, V: Storable + Clone + Eq + CondSync, K::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, V::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, H: Hasher + CondSync, { match node_pointer { Pointer::Values(values) => Ok(values .iter() .map(|Pair { key, value }| KeyValueChange { r#type, key: key.clone(), value1: Some(value.clone()), value2: None, }) .collect()), Pointer::Link(link) => { let node = link.resolve_value(store).await?; node.as_ref() .flat_map( &|Pair { key, value }| { Ok(KeyValueChange { r#type, key: key.clone(), value1: Some(value.clone()), value2: None, }) }, store, ) .await } } } async fn pointers_diff( main_pointer: Pointer, other_pointer: Pointer, depth: usize, store: &impl BlockStore, ) -> Result>> where K: Storable + Clone + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]> + CondSync, V: Storable + Clone + Eq + CondSync, K::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, V::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, H: Hasher + CondSync, { match (main_pointer, other_pointer) { (Pointer::Link(main_link), Pointer::Link(other_link)) => { diff_helper(main_link, other_link, depth + 1, store).await } (Pointer::Values(main_values), Pointer::Values(other_values)) => { let mut changes = vec![]; let mut main_map = HashMap::<&K, &V>::default(); let other_map = HashMap::<&K, &V>::from_iter( other_values.iter().map(|Pair { key, value }| (key, value)), ); for Pair { key, value } in &main_values { match other_map.get(&key) { Some(v) => { if *v != value { changes.push(KeyValueChange { r#type: ChangeType::Modify, key: key.clone(), value1: Some(value.clone()), value2: Some((*v).clone()), }); } } None => { changes.push(KeyValueChange { r#type: ChangeType::Add, key: key.clone(), value1: Some(value.clone()), value2: None, }); } } main_map.insert(key, value); } for Pair { key, value } in &other_values { if !main_map.contains_key(key) { changes.push(KeyValueChange { r#type: ChangeType::Remove, key: key.clone(), value1: Some(value.clone()), value2: None, }); } } Ok(changes) } (Pointer::Values(main_values), Pointer::Link(other_link)) => { let main_link = Link::from(create_node_from_pairs(main_values, depth, store).await?); diff_helper(main_link, other_link, depth + 1, store).await } (Pointer::Link(main_link), Pointer::Values(other_values)) => { let other_link = Link::from(create_node_from_pairs(other_values, depth, store).await?); diff_helper(main_link, other_link, depth + 1, store).await } } } async fn create_node_from_pairs( values: Vec>, depth: usize, store: &impl BlockStore, ) -> Result>> where K: Storable + Clone + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]> + CondSync, V: Storable + Clone + Eq + CondSync, K::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, V::Serializable: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, H: Hasher + CondSync, { let mut node = Arc::new(Node::<_, _, H>::default()); for Pair { key, value } in values { let digest = &H::hash(&key); let hashnibbles = &mut HashNibbles::with_cursor(digest, depth); node.set_value(hashnibbles, key, value, store).await?; } Ok(node) } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{ChangeType::*, *}; use helper::*; use std::collections::BTreeSet; use wnfs_common::MemoryBlockStore; mod helper { use crate::Hasher; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use wnfs_common::{utils, HashOutput}; pub(super) static HASH_KV_PAIRS: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ (utils::to_hash_output(&[0xA0]), "first"), (utils::to_hash_output(&[0xA3]), "second"), (utils::to_hash_output(&[0xA7]), "third"), (utils::to_hash_output(&[0xAC]), "fourth"), (utils::to_hash_output(&[0xAE]), "fifth"), ] }); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub(crate) struct MockHasher; impl Hasher for MockHasher { fn hash>(key: &K) -> HashOutput { HASH_KV_PAIRS .iter() .find(|(_, v)| key.as_ref() == >::as_ref(v)) .unwrap() .0 } } } #[async_std::test] async fn can_diff_main_node_with_added_removed_pairs() { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); let main_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<[u8; 4], String>::default()); for i in 0u32..3 { main_node .set(i.to_le_bytes(), i.to_string(), store) .await .unwrap(); } let other_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<[u8; 4], String>::default()); other_node .set(0_u32.to_le_bytes(), 0_u32.to_string(), store) .await .unwrap(); let changes = diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( changes.into_iter().collect::>(), BTreeSet::from([ KeyValueChange { r#type: Add, key: [2, 0, 0, 0,], value1: Some(String::from("2")), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Add, key: [1, 0, 0, 0,], value1: Some(String::from("1")), value2: None, }, ]) ); let changes = diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( changes.into_iter().collect::>(), BTreeSet::from([ KeyValueChange { r#type: Remove, key: [2, 0, 0, 0,], value1: Some(String::from("2")), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Remove, key: [1, 0, 0, 0,], value1: Some(String::from("1")), value2: None, }, ]) ); } #[async_std::test] async fn can_diff_main_node_with_no_changes() { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); let main_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<_, _>::default()); for i in 0_u32..3 { main_node .set(i.to_le_bytes(), i.to_string(), store) .await .unwrap(); } let other_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<_, _>::default()); for i in 0_u32..3 { other_node .set(i.to_le_bytes(), i.to_string(), store) .await .unwrap(); } let changes = diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); assert!(changes.is_empty()); } #[async_std::test] async fn can_diff_nodes_with_different_structure_and_modified_changes() { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); // A node that adds the first 3 pairs of HASH_KV_PAIRS. let other_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<_, _, MockHasher>::default()); for (digest, kv) in HASH_KV_PAIRS.iter().take(3) { other_node .set_value( &mut HashNibbles::new(digest), kv.to_string(), kv.to_string(), store, ) .await .unwrap(); } // Another node that keeps the first pair, modify the second pair, removes the third pair, and adds the fourth and fifth pair. let main_node = &mut Arc::new(Node::<_, _, MockHasher>::default()); main_node .set_value( &mut HashNibbles::new(&HASH_KV_PAIRS[0].0), HASH_KV_PAIRS[0].1.to_string(), HASH_KV_PAIRS[0].1.to_string(), store, ) .await .unwrap(); main_node .set_value( &mut HashNibbles::new(&HASH_KV_PAIRS[1].0), HASH_KV_PAIRS[1].1.to_string(), String::from("second_modified"), store, ) .await .unwrap(); for (digest, kv) in HASH_KV_PAIRS.iter().skip(3).take(2) { main_node .set_value( &mut HashNibbles::new(digest), kv.to_string(), kv.to_string(), store, ) .await .unwrap(); } let changes = diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( changes, vec![ KeyValueChange { r#type: Modify, key: "second".to_string(), value1: Some("second_modified".to_string()), value2: Some("second".to_string()), }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Remove, key: "third".to_string(), value1: Some("third".to_string()), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Add, key: "fourth".to_string(), value1: Some("fourth".to_string()), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Add, key: "fifth".to_string(), value1: Some("fifth".to_string()), value2: None, }, ] ); let changes = diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); assert_eq!( changes, vec![ KeyValueChange { r#type: Modify, key: "second".to_string(), value1: Some("second".to_string()), value2: Some("second_modified".to_string()), }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Add, key: "third".to_string(), value1: Some("third".to_string()), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Remove, key: "fourth".to_string(), value1: Some("fourth".to_string()), value2: None, }, KeyValueChange { r#type: Remove, key: "fifth".to_string(), value1: Some("fifth".to_string()), value2: None, }, ] ); } } #[cfg(test)] mod proptests { use crate::{ strategies::{self, generate_kvs, generate_ops_and_changes, Change, Operations}, ChangeType, }; use async_std::task; use proptest::{prop_assert, prop_assert_eq}; use std::collections::HashSet; use test_strategy::proptest; use wnfs_common::{utils::Arc, Link, MemoryBlockStore}; #[proptest(cases = 100, max_shrink_iters = 4000)] fn diff_correspondence( #[strategy(generate_ops_and_changes())] ops_changes: ( Operations, Vec>, ), ) { task::block_on(async { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); let (ops, strategy_changes) = ops_changes; let other_node = &mut strategies::node_from_operations(&ops, store).await.unwrap(); strategies::prepare_node(other_node, &strategy_changes, store) .await .unwrap(); let main_node = &mut Arc::clone(other_node); strategies::apply_changes(main_node, &strategy_changes, store) .await .unwrap(); let changes = super::diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(main_node)), Link::from(Arc::clone(other_node)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); prop_assert_eq!(strategy_changes.len(), changes.len()); for strategy_change in strategy_changes { let found_matching_change = changes.iter().any(|c| match &strategy_change { Change::Add(k, _) => c.r#type == ChangeType::Add && &c.key == k, Change::Modify(k, _) => c.r#type == ChangeType::Modify && &c.key == k, Change::Remove(k) => c.r#type == ChangeType::Remove && &c.key == k, }); prop_assert!(found_matching_change); } Ok(()) })?; } #[proptest(cases = 1000, max_shrink_iters = 40000)] fn diff_unique_keys( #[strategy(generate_kvs("[a-z0-9]{1,3}", 0u64..1000, 0..100))] kvs1: Vec<(String, u64)>, #[strategy(generate_kvs("[a-z0-9]{1,3}", 0u64..1000, 0..100))] kvs2: Vec<(String, u64)>, ) { task::block_on(async { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); let node1 = strategies::node_from_kvs(kvs1, store).await.unwrap(); let node2 = strategies::node_from_kvs(kvs2, store).await.unwrap(); let changes = super::diff(Link::from(node1), Link::from(node2), store) .await .unwrap(); let change_set = changes .iter() .map(|c| c.key.clone()) .collect::>(); prop_assert_eq!(change_set.len(), changes.len()); Ok(()) })?; } #[proptest(cases = 100)] fn add_remove_flip( #[strategy(generate_kvs("[a-z0-9]{1,3}", 0u64..1000, 0..100))] kvs1: Vec<(String, u64)>, #[strategy(generate_kvs("[a-z0-9]{1,3}", 0u64..1000, 0..100))] kvs2: Vec<(String, u64)>, ) { task::block_on(async { let store = &MemoryBlockStore::default(); let node1 = strategies::node_from_kvs(kvs1, store).await.unwrap(); let node2 = strategies::node_from_kvs(kvs2, store).await.unwrap(); let changes = super::diff( Link::from(Arc::clone(&node1)), Link::from(Arc::clone(&node2)), store, ) .await .unwrap(); let flipped_changes = super::diff(Link::from(node2), Link::from(node1), store) .await .unwrap(); prop_assert_eq!(changes.len(), flipped_changes.len()); for change in changes { let found_matching_change = flipped_changes.iter().any(|c| match change.r#type { ChangeType::Add => c.r#type == ChangeType::Remove && c.key == change.key, ChangeType::Remove => c.r#type == ChangeType::Add && c.key == change.key, ChangeType::Modify => c.r#type == ChangeType::Modify && c.key == change.key, }); prop_assert!(found_matching_change); } Ok(()) })?; } }