@@ -231,11 +231,38 @@ async fn get_threads(folder: String, limit: usize, offset: usize, file_name: Str
Err(_) => return serde_json::to_string(&Vec::<(String, Vec<u32>)>::new()).unwrap(),
Err(_) => return serde_json::to_string(&Vec::<(String, Vec<u32>)>::new()).unwrap(),
- let result: Vec<(String, Vec<u32>)> = messages
- .into_iter()
- .skip(offset)
- .take(limit)
- .collect();
+ // filtering elements with limit and offset
+ let mut result = Vec::new();
+ let mut current_offset = offset;
+ let mut remaining_limit = limit;
+ for (msg, data) in messages.into_iter() {
+ // Skip the inner data until we reach the required offset
+ if current_offset >= data.len() {
+ current_offset -= data.len();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Take the required elements from the current vector
+ let paginated_data: Vec<u32> = data.into_iter()
+ .skip(current_offset)
+ .take(remaining_limit)
+ .collect();
+ // Push the result for the current message
+ if !paginated_data.is_empty() {
+ result.push((msg, paginated_data));
+ }
+ // Update the remaining limit and reset the offset for the next iterations
+ remaining_limit -= result.last().unwrap().1.len();
+ current_offset = 0;
+ // If we've collected enough elements, break out of the loop
+ if remaining_limit == 0 {
+ break;
+ }
+ }