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2025-02-04 21:55:57 +00:00
This is a deno2.0 project that contains k code as well
Write all typescript code in deno2.0
Keep files very simple and try and have each big function in a separate file
When declaring types, make sure the type doesn't already exist in another file
k is an array language
It's not linearly typed
It's also a functional language
Here is a cheatsheet for k:
Verbs: : + - * % ! & | < > = ~ , ^ # _ $ ? @ . 0: 1:
notation: [c]har [i]nt [n]umber(int|float) [s]ymbol [a]tom [d]ict
[f]unc(monad) [F]unc(dyad) [xyz]any
special: var:y set a:1;a -> 1
(v;..):y unpack (b;(c;d)):(2 3;4 5);c -> 4
:x return {:x+1;2}[3] -> 4
$[x;y;..] cond $[0;`a;"\0";`b;`;`c;();`d;`e] -> `e
o[..] recur {$[x<2;x;+/o'x-1 2]}9 -> 34
[..] progn [0;1;2;3] -> 3
:: self ::12 -> 12
: right 1 :2 -> 2 "abc":'"d" -> "ddd"
+x flip +("ab";"cd") -> ("ac";"bd")
N+N add 1 2+3 -> 4 5
-N negate - 1 2 -> -1 -2
N-N subtract 1-2 3 -> -1 -2
*x first *`a`b -> `a *(0 1;"cd") -> 0 1
N*N multiply 1 2*3 4 -> 3 8
%N sqrt %25 -> 5.0 %-1 -> 0n
N%N divide 4 3%2 -> 2 1 4 3%2.0 -> 2.0 1.5
!i enum !3 -> 0 1 2 !-3 -> -3 -2 -1
!I odometer !2 3 -> (0 0 0 1 1 1;0 1 2 0 1 2)
!d keys !`a`b!0 1 -> `a`b
!S ns keys a.b.c:1;a.b.d:2;!`a`b -> ``c`d
x!y dict `a`b!1 2 -> `a`b!1 2
i!I div -10!1234 567 -> 123 56
i!I mod 10!1234 567 -> 4 7
&I where &3 -> 0 0 0 &1 0 1 4 2 -> 0 2 3 3 3 3 4 4
&x deepwhere &(0 1 0;1 0 0;1 1 1) -> (0 1 2 2 2;1 0 0 1 2)
N&N min/and 2&-1 3 -> -1 2 0 0 1 1&0 1 0 1 -> 0 0 0 1
|x reverse |"abc" -> "cba" |12 -> 12
N|N max/or 2|-1 3 -> 2 3 0 0 1 1|0 1 0 1 -> 0 1 1 1
<X ascend <"abacus" -> 0 2 1 3 5 4
>X descend >"abacus" -> 4 5 3 1 0 2
<s open fd:<`"/path/to/file.txt"
>i close >fd
N<N less 0 2<1 -> 1 0
N>N more 0 1>0 2 -> 0 0
=X group ="abracadabra" -> "abrcd"!(0 3 5 7 10;1 8;2 9;,4;,6)
=i unitmat =3 -> (1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1)
N=N equal 0 1 2=0 1 3 -> 1 1 0
~x not ~(0 2;``a;"a \0";::;{}) -> (1 0;1 0;0 0 1;1;0)
x~y match 2 3~2 3 -> 1 "4"~4 -> 0 0~0.0 -> 0
,x enlist ,0 -> ,0 ,0 1 -> ,0 1 ,`a!1 -> +(,`a)!,,1
x,y concat 0,1 2 -> 0 1 2 "a",1 -> ("a";1)
^x null ^(" a";0 1 0N;``a;0.0 0n) -> (1 0;0 0 1;1 0;0 1)
a^y fill 1^0 0N 2 3 0N -> 0 1 2 3 1 "b"^" " -> "b"
X^y without "abracadabra"^"bc" -> "araadara"
#x length #"abc" -> 3 #4 -> 1 #`a`b`c!0 1 0 -> 3
i#y reshape 3#2 -> 2 2 2
I#y reshape 2 3#` -> (```;```)
f#y replicate (3>#:')#(0;2 1 3;5 4) -> (0;5 4) {2}#"ab" -> "aabb"
x#d take `c`d`f#`a`b`c`d!1 2 3 4 -> `c`d`f!3 4 0N
_n floor _12.34 -12.34 -> 12 -13
_c lowercase _"Ab" -> "ab"
i_Y drop 2_"abcde" -> "cde" `b_`a`b`c!0 1 2 -> `a`c!0 2
I_Y cut 2 4 4_"abcde" -> ("cd";"";,"e")
f_Y weed out (3>#:')_(0;2 1 3;5 4) -> ,2 1 3
X_i delete "abcde"_2 -> "abde"
$x string $(12;"ab";`cd;+) -> ("12";(,"a";,"b");"cd";,"+")
i$C pad 5$"abc" -> "abc " -3$"a" -> " a"
s$y cast `c$97 -> "a" `i$-1.2 -> -1 `$"a" -> `a
s$y int `I$"-12" -> -12
?x uniq ?"abacus" -> "abcus"
X?y find "abcde"?"bfe" -> 1 0N 4
i?x roll 3?1000 -> 11 398 293 1?0 -> ,-8164324247243690787
i?x deal -3?1000 -> 11 398 293 /guaranteed distinct
@x type @1 -> `b @"ab" -> `C @() -> `A @(@) -> `v
x@y apply(1) {x+1}@2 -> 3 "abc"@1 -> "b" (`a`b!0 1)@`b -> 1
.S get a:1;.`a -> 1 b.c:2;.`b`c -> 2
.C eval ."1+2" -> 3
.d values .`a`b!0 1 -> 0 1
x.y apply(n) {x*y+1}. 2 3 -> 8 (`a`b`c;`d`e`f). 1 0 -> `d
@[x;y;f] amend @["ABC";1;_:] -> "AbC" @[2 3;1;{-x}] -> 2 -3
@[x;y;F;z] amend @["abc";1;:;"x"] -> "axc" @[2 3;0;+;4] -> 6 3
.[x;y;f] drill .[("AB";"CD");1 0;_:] -> ("AB";"cD")
.[x;y;F;z] drill .[("ab";"cd");1 0;:;"x"] -> ("ab";"xd")
.[f;y;f] try .[+;1 2;"E:",] -> 3 .[+;1,`2;"E:",] -> "E:typ"
?[x;y;z] splice ?["abcd";1 3;"xyz"] -> "axyzd"